Sunday, April 26. 2009Where is my data and other stuffPrinter FriendlyTrackbacks
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The first query with the 'File Locations' only seems to work if you're connected as 'postgres'.
For the memory query, that will show you all the values in terms of the server units, which can be confusing--you have to pay attention to whether it's in 1k or 8k units. You can improve that to show the human-readable versions as well, like this:
SELECT name, setting, current_setting(name),unit, category FROM pg_settings WHERE name like '%mem%' or name LIKE 'constraint%' or name like '%buffer%' or name like 'effective%' ORDER BY name; Note that I also added in effective_cache_size, which is one of the more critical memory-related parameters missing from the list you had.
A slight correction here. pg_settings is a system VIEW, not a table. That is clearly stated in the documentation. The structure is detailed in the following url.
Thanks Joe, Greg, and Melvin for all the constructive comments. We've incorporated these into the article.
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