Monday, July 03. 2017
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This weekend we spent sometime moving PostGIS/pgRouting windows buildbot Winnie to new hardware.
Leo did the hardware and I handled installing and reconfiguring stuff.
While I was at it, I upgraded to new Jenkins.
Vicky Vergara has been bugging me to setup pgTap
so she can run her pgRouting pgTap tests to make sure they work on windows.
She's got 22488 tests. She just loves pgTap.
Last time I tried installing pgTap I gave up, but I was in mood for experimentation so gave it another chance.
Continue reading "Installing pgTap in windows with msys2 and mingw64"
Friday, April 25. 2014
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I'm not a big proponent of schemaless designs, but they have their place. One particular place where I think they are useful is for archiving of data
where even though the underlying table structure of the data you need to archive is changing, you want the archived record to have the same fields as it did back then.
This is a case where I think Hstore and the way PostgreSQL has it implemented works pretty nicely.
Side note: one of the new features of PostgreSQL 9.4 is improved GIN indexes (faster and smaller) which
is very often used with hstore data (and the new jsonb type). We're really looking forward to the GIN improvements more so than the jsonb feature. We're hoping to test out this improved index functionality with OpenStreetMap data soon and compare with our existing PostgreSQL 9.3. OpenStreetMap pbf and osm extract loaders (osm2pgsql, imposm) provide option for loading tagged data into PostgreSQL hstore fields, in addition to PostGIS geometry and other attribute fields. So 9.4 enhancements should be a nice gift for OSM data users. More on that later.
Continue reading "Using HStore for Archiving"
Thursday, February 14. 2013
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A while back I mentioned to Bborie (aka dustymugs) and Sandro (aka strk): We're missing ability to label our images with text.
Picture this: What if someone has got a road or a parcel of land and they want to stamp
the parcel id or the road name on it and they don't want to have to depend on some piece of mapping software. Many report writers and databases can talk to each other directly
such as we demonstrated in Rendering PostGIS raster graphics with LibreOffice
and we've got raster functionality in the database already. Can we cut out the middleman?
Some ideas came to mind. One we could embed a font lib into PostGIS thus having the ultimate bloatware minus the built-in coffee maker.
strk screeched. He's still recovering from my constant demands of having him upgrade his PostgreSQL version. Okay fair enough.
Bborie suggested why don't you import your letters as rasters and then vectorize them. So that's exactly what we are going to demonstrate in this article
and in doing so we will combine some of the new features coming in PostGIS 2.1 we've been talking about in Waiting for PostGIS 2.1 series.
Warning this article will have a hint of Rube Goldbergishness in it.
If you are easily offended by seeing stupid tricks done with SQL, stop reading now.
We are going to take a natural vector product and rasterize it just so
we can vectorize it again so we can then rasterize it again. Don't think about it too much. It may trigger activity in parts of your brain you didn't know were there
thus resulting in stabbing pains similar to what you experience by quickly guplping down a handful of Wasabi peas.
So here are the steps for creating your own font set you can
overlay on your geometries and rasters.
See if you can spot the use of window functions and CTEs in these examples.
Continue reading "Saying Happy Valentine in PostGIS"
Friday, August 24. 2012
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If you do a lot of web-based GIS applications, a common desire is to allow a user to
draw out an area on the map and then do searches against that area and return back a FeatureCollection
where each feature is composed of a geometry and attributes about that feature. In the past the format
was GML or KML, but the world seems to be moving to prefer JSON/GeoJSON. Normally you'd throw
a mapping server that talks Web Feature Service
, do more or less with a webscripting glue, or use a Webservice
such as CartoDb that lets you pass along raw SQL.
In this article we'll demonstrate how to build GeoJSON feature collections that can be consumed by web mapping apps.
the built in JSON functions in PostgreSQL 9.2 and some PostGIS hugging.
Even if you
don't use PostGIS, we hope you'll come away with some techniques for working with
PostgreSQL extended types and also how to morph relational data into JSON buckets.
Continue reading "Creating GeoJSON Feature Collections with JSON and PostGIS functions"
Friday, August 10. 2012
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In our last article, PL/V8JS and PL/Coffee JSON search requests
we demonstrated how to create a PostgreSQL PL/Javascript stored function that takes as input, a json wrapped search request. We generated the search request using PostgreSQL.
As mentioned, in practice, the json search request would be generated by a client side javascript API such as JQuery. This time we'll put our stored function to use in a real web app built using
PHP and JQuery. The PHP part is fairly minimalistic just involving a call to the database and return a single row back. Normally we use a database abstraction layer such as ADODB or PearDB, but this is so
simple that we are just going to use the raw PHP PostgreSQL connection library directly. This example requires PHP 5.1+ since it uses the pg_query_param function introduced in PHP 5.1.
Most of the work is happening in the JQuery client side tier and the database part we already saw. That said the PHP part is fairly trivial to swap out with something like
ASP.NET and most other web server side languages.
Continue reading "PLV8JS and PLCoffee Part 2B: PHP JQuery App"
Friday, February 17. 2012
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I was excited to learn from Pasha Golub's blog LibreOffice Base 3.5 now comes packaged with native PostgreSQL driver so no separate configuration is required.
The connection string syntax follows the old SBC native driver of prior OpenOffice versions we itemized in Using OpenOffice Base with PostgeSQL.
What I really wanted to do with it is experiment with its graphical rendering capabilities. As discussed in PSQL needs a better way of outputting bytea
one of the frequently asked questions on the PostGIS list by folks using the new not yet officially released (alpha5 recently released) functionality in PostGIS 2.0 is how to render rasters
with common variety tools. I suspected Base was a capable option, but had never tested it to confirm. Since I was installing new LibreOffice 3.5, I thought this might be a good test of its metal.
Continue reading "Rendering PostGIS Raster graphics with LibreOffice Base Reports"
Friday, August 26. 2011
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A while back in New Additions and Promotions in PostGIS Development Team, I mentioned that the new addition to our team Bborie Park was working on image output functions for raster support, among other things. His last addition was ST_AsRaster which allows a PostGIS geometry to cross the line to the raster world, all in the database. This new addition almost completes the basic cycle of making PostGIS not only a spatial analytical tool, but also a rendering engine.
To test out these new functions, I whipped up a quick ASP.NET/JQuery app as described in Minimalist Web-based ASP.NET PostGIS 2.0 Spatial Geometry/Raster Viewer, and Bborie followed up with the PHP version which you can download from
There is still much room for improvement, e.g. intersection of 2 rasters, faster response, etc, but I can see all the lights flickering and the connections coming together like a self-orchestrating organism. From chaos comes order.
Thursday, August 26. 2010
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In part 1 of this series on PostgreSQL 9.0 planner outputs, we demonstrated how to render explain plans in YAML, JSON, and XML using the new explain features in PostgreSQL 9.0. In this second part,
we'll demonstrate how to build a user interface that allows you input a JSON formatted explain plan and have it render into a printable, navigateable display using JQuery, javascript and a little bit of HTML coding.
In part 3 we'll do something similar using XML and XSLT programming.
For those who aren't familiar with JQuery, it is an MIT licensed javascript library that is fairly light weight and allows you to inspect and change html elements with fairly intuitive syntax, has some nice ajax methods and tools for converting xml/json to native objects that can be manipulated.
You can check it out at JQUERY.
We are not experts in JQuery, but from what we have used of it, we really like it and the fact the base package is MIT licensed, fairly light weight and lots of plugins available for it are real pluses.
The most difficult thing I think most people find about reading explain plans is that they are upside down; it starts with a conclusion and backtracks how to arrive at it. Humans by nature think about planning steps from start to finish.
In order to make an explain plan understandable to mere mortals, we generally display them upside down or having the child-nodes shown left most. We shall follow that approach.
Continue reading "Explain Plans PostgreSQL 9.0 - Part 2: JSON and JQuery Plan Viewer"
Wednesday, April 29. 2009
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Simon Greener, wrote an article on how to load GPX xml files into Oracle XMLDB. That
got me thinking that I haven't really explored all the XML features that PostgreSQL has to offer
and to some extent I've been reticent about XML processed in any database for that matter.
In this article we shall attempt to perform the same feats that Simon did, but with PostgreSQL instead of
Oracle XMLDB. Note while we are demonstrating this with a GPX file, the same XPath approach can be used to process any XML file.
Continue reading "Loading and Processing GPX XML files using PostgreSQL"
Saturday, January 03. 2009
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In the first part of this series Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 1: Database Analysis of USDA DB in our November/December 2008 issue, we did
some back-seat analysis of a database we had never seen before and formulated some thoughts of things that would be useful to
see in a dashboard as well as starting to develop some views to support our Dashboard. In the second part of our Fusion Charts series,
we covered creating a Dashboard application in ASP.NET that demonstrated both VB.NET and C# variants using the database we loaded and prepped in Part 1.
In this part three of our series, we shall conclude by demonstrating the same application we did in ASP.NET in PHP.
We are going to create a simple dashboard that has the following features:
- A drop-down list to allow the user to pick the kind of chart to display the data in (Bar, column, funnel etc)
- A drop-down list that allows the user to pick the metric to explore -- e.g. Cholestrol, Vitamin K, Caffeine etc.
- 2 charts -- one chart showing the top 5 food groups for our metric and another showing the top 5 foods for our metric
Our final product will look like this:
You can see the app in action - USDA Food Stats and discover some interesting things about the food you eat or were considering eating.
Continue reading "Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 3: PHP Dashboard"
Friday, December 19. 2008
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In the first part of this series Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 1: Database Analysis of USDA DB in our November/December 2008 issue, we did
some back-seat analysis of a database we had never seen before and formulated some thoughts of things that would be useful to
see in a dashboard as well as starting to develop some views to support our Dashboard.
In this part, we start the fun off by building an ASP.NET app in both VB and C#. In the next part of
this series, we shall perform the same feat with PHP.
We are going to create a simple dashboard that has the following features:
- A drop downlist to allow the user to pick the kind of chart to display the data in (Bar, column, funnel etc)
- A drop downlist that allows the user to pick the metric to explore -- e.g. Cholestrol, Vitamin K, Caffeine etc.
- 2 charts -- one chart showing the top 5 food groups for our metric and another showing the top 5 foods for our metric
Our final product will look like this:
You can see the app in action - USDA Food Stats and discover some interesting things about the food you eat or were considering eating.
Continue reading "Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 2: ASP.NET Dashboard"
Tuesday, December 16. 2008
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In our Product Showcase section of this issue, we introduced Fusion Charts which is a flash-based
charting product that makes beautiful flash charts. It comes in both a free and a non-free more bells and whistles
In this 3-part series article we shall demonstrate using this with a PostgreSQL database, building a simple dashboard
with ASP.NET and PHP. We shall demonstrate both C# and VB.NET both using the PostgreSQL NPGSQL driver.
For this first part we shall simply load the database, do a quick analysis of what we've got to report on and create some views to help
us with our PHP and ASP.NET apps that will follow in parts 2 and 3.
We will be testing this on 8.3, but since the database is an old one, it should work just fine on older versions of
PostgreSQL. We'll try to refrain from using new features of PostgreSQL.
Continue reading "Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 1: Database Analysis of USDA DB"
Monday, May 19. 2008
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In prior articles of this series, we covered the following:
- Showcasing REST in PostgreSQL - The PreQuel we went over what REST is and isn't
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 1 - The DB components we loaded the Pagila database and created a db plpgsql search function to support our rest server service
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 A - The REST Server service with ASP.NET we demonstrated a REST web service using Mono.NET, MS.NET both in C#, VB.Net/Monobasic
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 B - The REST Server service with PHP 5 we demonstrated a REST web service using PHP 5
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 3 A - Simple REST Client in Adobe Flex 3 we demonstrated a basic REST client in Adobe Flex
In this article we shall continue where we left off by adding paging functionality to our Adobe Flex REST grid client.
Continue reading "REST in PostgreSQL Part 3 B - The REST Client in Adobe Flex 3 with Paging"
Wednesday, May 07. 2008
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In prior articles of this series, we covered the following:
- Showcasing REST in PostgreSQL - The PreQuel we went over what REST is and isn't
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 1 - The DB components we loaded the Pagila database and created a db plpgsql search function to support our rest server service
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 A - The REST Server service with ASP.NET we demonstrated a REST web service using Mono.NET, MS.NET both in C#, VB.Net/Monobasic
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 B - The REST Server service with PHP 5 we demonstrated a REST web service using PHP 5
Continue reading "REST in PostgreSQL Part 3 A - Simple REST Client in Adobe Flex 3"
Wednesday, April 09. 2008
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This is a continuation of our REST series. The following topics have already been covered
- Showcasing REST in PostgreSQL - The PreQuel we went over what REST is and isn't
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 1 - The DB components we loaded the Pagila database and created a db plpgsql search function that spits out XML to support our rest server service
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 A - The REST Server service with ASP.NET we demonstrated a REST web service using Mono.NET, MS.NET both in C#, VB.Net/Monobasic
Now in this Part 2B series, we shall demonstrate the same REST server service using PHP
Setting up the PHP application
PHP already has the PostgreSQL drivers available as a .so (on Linux) or .dll on Windows. For windows users if you
are running PHP under IIS and in ISAPI mode, you will not be able to dynamically load libraries, so you need to enable php_pgsql in your PHP.ini file.
- We tend to keep it enabled regardless of which platform we are on since a lot of our PHP development involves PostgreSQL. The extension is php_pgsql in the php.ini file
- PHP has numerous database abstraction libraries to choose from. We are using the adodb abstraction library for PHP which can be downloaded from
Continue reading "REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 B - The REST Server service with PHP 5"