Sunday, June 08. 2008PostgreSQL 8.4 goodies in storePrinter FriendlyTrackbacks
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WITH RECURSIVE should be the implementation of CTE in PostgreSQL.
It's something already available in Firebird, SQLServer 2005, IBM DB2 and Oracle (CONNECT BY synthax). A much needed synthax improvement to handle hierarchical queries.
Thanks for the correction to our Oracle typo. Nice blog you have by the way. We really should explore Firebird more. Sounds like a nice database.
I *really* wish the Windowing functions could make in the upcoming 8.4 release.
We use Postgres to handle analytical requests in 1TB+ Datawarehouse and it makes a big difference if we could get the valuable information by doing just one table scan. Thank you.
Did you see this hacker post just in today by H. Harada. Looks like he might take up the challenge to get it into 8.4 in some shape or form.
Thanks for the link to the post. This is great if the windowing function will be able to make in 8.4. I have used them quite a lot in Oracle and Teradata, but can barely remember a single time I needed the "Frame" functionality. I personally consider the clause ".. ROWS BETWEEN
UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW" quite a cumbersome thing to understand. So if it doesn't make in first release - it wouldn't be much problem for me.
Just to add another point of view, I also use windowing functions extensively in Oracle, and the lack of them in Postgres is the single biggest factor preventing me from adopting it. However, unlike Slava, I also make heavy use of the windowing "frame" functionality (ROWS BETWEEN and RANGE BETWEEN).
I've investigated SQL Server as an Oracle alternative, and although it supports some analytic SQL, it lacks the ROWS BETWEEN/RANGE BETWEEN capabilities, and is thus unsuitable. I would really, *REALLY* love to see this fully implemented in Postgres. |
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