Monday, March 24. 2008PuTTY for SSH Tunneling to PostgreSQL ServerPrinter FriendlyComments
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Excellent article. However, you may want to add another example covering the extremely common case where a user doesn't have any direct access to the db server, i.e they can log in to their web server and that login can be set up to forward connections to the db server.
Did they every email you and show you how to create this link with a db server which doesn't have any direct access???
If so -can you forward me to the link??? thank you.
Just wanted to say that this is such a great product. I needed something exactly like this and it is very seldom that you find something on the web to fit your needs exactly.
Well done and thank you.
Excellent article. However, you may want to add another example covering the extremely common case where a user doesn't have any direct access to the db server, i.e they can log in to their web server and that login can be set up to forward connections to the db server.
Excellent post, right on target. Thank you. The only problem I have is with pgAdmin III itself which wants to administer the entire database cluster, and I wanted to grant access for a user to just a single database and table subset.
It so simple, but i can't. I get error in pg_log:
could not connect to Ident server at address "", port 113 But I can connect from notebook with putty and command: vidas@vartai:~>psql -U admin db with no problems. My test pg_hba.conf: local db admin trust ... putties login name 'admin' too. username in pgAdmin 'admin' too.
Which computer are you trying to connect form? local is socket port not tcp/ip port. You should have one for host, localhost and I suspect you do, but its set to ident (which is standard for ubuntu as I recall). So its trying to authenticate admin using the ident server on your unix.
A really good article, its exactly what i need but i cant connect with putty.
I've installed freesshd and postgresql on machine server which run on windows server 2003. postgresql.conf is configure like this: listen_addresses = '*' and pg_hba like this: host all all md5 host all all md5 I want to access to postgresql from home. So, i installed putty and set like you described above with the hostname '' of my server. I configure the firewall on both machines to let the port 22 and 5432 open. And when i try to connect whith putty, it shows a message: connection refused I'll appriciate any help |
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First we'd like to thank Devrim of Command Prompt for working hard on making this new YUM repository available. In this article we will go over using the new PostgreSQL YUM repository for Redhat Fedora, Enterprise Linux and CentOS distros that is availab
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