PostGIS 2.0.0 has inched a lot closer to completion. This past week, Paul enabled his gserialization work which changed the on disk-format of PostGIS and in return I think we'll have a much better platform to grow on. With this change we now have the 3D index and bounding box bindings in place. Say hello to the &&& operator which is like &&, but is 3D aware and comes with its own companion 3D spatial indexes. This will allow you to do true 3D bounding box searches with any of the new 2.5/3D geometries we have in place for PostGIS 2.0.0. We are still noodling out the semantics of boxes. Read Paul's call for action on the The Box Plan?, if you are interested. PostgreSQL 8.4 is the lowest supported version for PostGIS 2.0.0. It took a bit of squabbling between PSC members to make that decision, but I put my foot down and I think in the end was for the best to allow us to use new features, less platforms to test, and get rid of some unnecessary code.
PostGIS Windows 32-bit Experimental builds fresh off the presses
With all these changes, if you are running an earlier alpha release of PostGIS 2.0.0, you'll need to do a dump restore since the on disk format is now changed.
If you are on windows and want to give some of this all a test drive, you can download one of our PostGIS 2.0.0 Windows experimental builds. We still only have 32-bit builds. We have builds
for PostgreSQL 8.4, PostgreSQL 9.0, and PostgreSQL 9.1 beta 2. The problems we faced in PostgreSQL 9.1 beta 1 were resolved in beta 2 so that most regress tests past except some minor ones involving stupid things like difference in line number marking of errors. Complement your PostgreSQL 9.1 beta 2 meal with a yummy large helping of PostGIS 2.0.0 goodness.