I've always enjoyed dismantling things. Deconstruction was a good way of analyzing how things were built by cataloging all the ways
I could dismantle or destroy them. I experimented with mechanical systems, electrical circuitry, chemicals and biological systems sometimes coming close to bodily harm. In later years I decided to play it safe and just stick with programming and computer simulation
as a convenient channel to enjoy my destructive pursuits.
Now getting to the point of this article.
In later articles, I'll start to demonstrate the use of PL/R, the procedural language for PostgreSQL that allows you to program functions in the statistical language and Environment R. To
make these examples more useful, I'll be analyzing data generated from PostGIS tests I've been working on for stress testing the upcoming PostGIS 2.0. PostGIS 2.0 is a major
and probably the most exciting release for us. Paul Ramsey did a summary talk recently of Past, Present, Future of PostGIS at State of PostGIS FOSS4G Japan http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10667125
which provides a brief glimpse of what's in store in 2.0.