Sunday, November 28. 2010
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In this article we'll provide a summary of what PL/R is and how to get running with it. Since we don't like repeating ourselves,
we'll refer you to an article we wrote a while ago which is still fairly relevant today called Up and Running with PL/R (PLR) in PostgreSQL: An almost Idiot's Guide
and just fill in the parts that have changed. We should note that particular series was more geared toward the spatial database programmer (PostGIS in particular). There is a lot of overlap between the PL/R, R, and PostGIS user-base which is comprised
of many environmental scientists and researchers in need of powerful charting and stats tools to analyse their data who are high on the smart but low on the money human spectrum.
This series will be more of a general PL/R user perspective. We'll follow more of the same style we did with Quick Intro to PL/Python. We'll end our series with a PL/R cheatsheet similar to what we had for PL/Python.
As stated in our State of PostGIS article, we'll be using log files we generated from our PostGIS stress tests. These stress tests were auto-generated from the PostGIS official documentation.
The raster tests are comprised of 2,095 query executions exercising all the pixel types supported. The geometry/geograpy tests are comprised of 65,892 spatial SQL queries exercising every PostGIS geometry/geography supported in PostGIS 2.0 -- yes this includes TINS, Triangles,Polyhedral Surfaces, Curved geometries and all dimensions of them.
Most queries are unique. If you are curious to see what these log tables look like or want to follow along with these exercises, you can download the tables from here.
What is R and PL/R and why should you care?
R is both a language and an environment for doing statistics and generating graphs and plots. It is GNU-licensed and a common favorite of Universities and Research institutions. PL/R is a procedural language for PostgreSQL that allows you to write database stored functions
in R. R is a set-based and domain specific language similar to SQL except unlike the way relational databases treat data, it thinks of data as matrices, lists and vectors. I tend to think of it as a cross between LISP and SQL though more experienced Lisp and R users will probably disagree with me on that. This makes it easier in many cases to tabulate data both across columns as well as across rows.
The examples we will show in these exercises, could be done in SQL, but they are much more succinct to write in R. In addition to the language itself, there are a whole wealth of statistical and graphing functions available in R that you will not
find in any relational database. These functions are growing as more people contribute packages. Its packaging system called Comprehensive R Archive (CRAN) is similar in concept to Perl's CPAN and the in the works PGXN for PostgreSQL.
Continue reading "Quick Intro to R and PL/R - Part 1"
Tuesday, November 23. 2010
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I've always enjoyed dismantling things. Deconstruction was a good way of analyzing how things were built by cataloging all the ways
I could dismantle or destroy them. I experimented with mechanical systems, electrical circuitry, chemicals and biological systems sometimes coming close to bodily harm. In later years I decided to play it safe and just stick with programming and computer simulation
as a convenient channel to enjoy my destructive pursuits.
Now getting to the point of this article.
In later articles, I'll start to demonstrate the use of PL/R, the procedural language for PostgreSQL that allows you to program functions in the statistical language and Environment R. To
make these examples more useful, I'll be analyzing data generated from PostGIS tests I've been working on for stress testing the upcoming PostGIS 2.0. PostGIS 2.0 is a major
and probably the most exciting release for us. Paul Ramsey did a summary talk recently of Past, Present, Future of PostGIS at State of PostGIS FOSS4G Japan
which provides a brief glimpse of what's in store in 2.0.
Continue reading "The State of PostGIS, Joys of Testing, and PLR the Prequel"
Sunday, November 21. 2010
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Backup and Restore is probably the most important thing to know how to do when you have a database with data you care about.
The utilities in PostgreSQL that accomplish these tasks are pg_restore, pg_dump, pg_dumpall, and for restore of plain text dumps - psql.
A lot of the switches used by pg_dump, pg_restore, pg_dumpall are common to all three. You use pg_dump to do backups of a single database or select database objects and pg_restore to restore it either to another database or to recover portions of a database. You use pg_dumpall to dump all your databases in plain text format.
Rather than trying to keep track of which switch works with which, we decided to combine all into a single cheat sheet with a column denoting which utility the switch is supported in.
Pretty much all the text is compiled from the --help switch of each.
We created a similar Backup and Restore cheatsheet for PostgreSQL 8.3 and since then some new features have been added such as the jobs parallel restore feature in 8.4. We have now created an updated sheet to comprise all features present in PostgreSQL 9.0 packaged pg_dump, pg_restore, pg_dumpall command line utilities.
PDF Portrait version 8.5 x 11" of this cheatsheet is available at PostgreSQL 9.0 Dump Restore 8.5 x 11 and also available in
PDF A4 format and HTML.
As usual please let us know if you find any errors or omissions and we'll be happy to correct.
Sunday, November 14. 2010
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Many people have been concerned with Oracle's stewardship of past Sun Microsystems open source projects.
There are Java, MySQL, OpenSolaris to name a few.
Why are people concerned? Perhaps the abandoning of projects such as OpenSolaris, the suing of Google over Java infringements, the marshalling out of many frontline contributors of core Open Source projects from Oracle, the idea of forking over license rights to a single company so they can relicense your code.
We have no idea.
All we know is that there is an awful lot of forking going on.
To Oracle's defense, many do feel that they have done a good job with progressing the advancements of some of the Open Source projects they have shepherded.
For example getting MySQL patches more quickly in place etc. For some projects where there is not much of a monetary incentive, many feel they have at best neglected e.g. OpenSolaris.
Perhaps it's more Oracle's size and the size that Sun was before takeover that has made people take notice that no Open Source project
is in stable hands when its ecosystem is predominantly controlled by the whims of one big gorilla.
One new fork we were quite interested to hear about is LibreOffice, which is a fork of OpenOffice.
In addition to the fork, there is a new organization
called Document Foundation to cradle the new project. Document Foundation is backed by many OpenOffice developers and corporate entities (Google, Novell,Canonical) to name a few.
The Document Foundation mission statement is outlined here. There is even a document foundation planet for LibreOfficerians to call home.
The LibreOffice starter screen looks similar to the OpenOffice starter screen, except instead of the flashy Oracle logo we have come to love and fear, it has a simple text Document Foundation below the basic multi-colored Libre Office title. Much the same tools
found in OpenOffice are present. The project has not forked too much in a user-centric way from its OpenOffice ancestor yet. The main changes so far are the promise of not having to hand over license assignment rights to a single company as described in
LibreOffice - A fresh page for OpenOffice as well as some general cleanup and introduction of plugins that had copy assignment issues such as some from RedHat and Go-OO. My favorite quote
listed in the above article is It feels like Oracle is "a mother who loves her child but is not aware that her child wants to walk alone." by André Schnabel. So perhaps Oracle's greatest contribution and legacy to Open Source and perhaps the biggest that any for-profit company
can make for an Open Source project is to force its offspring to grow feet to walk away.
In later posts we'll test drive Libreoffice with PostgreSQL to see how it compares to its OO ancestor and what additional surprises it has in store.
Though in future if Oracle does donate the trademark Openoffice name to the foundation, then
LibreOffice may go back to being called OpenOffice. Personally I like LibreOffice better and the fact that the name change signals a change in governance.
Friday, November 05. 2010
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Problem: You have a set of numbers, or characters or whatever and you are trying to find the max or min of this set?
If the values are separate records in a table or query, the answer is well known and respected across all relational databases -- use the aggregate MAX and MIN functions.
But what if you have a set of free wheeling numbers or text not in separate records, and you want the max or min of each. Here is where the
least and greatest functions come in handy.
PostgreSQL has had these functions for as far back as I can remember and is not the only database to sport these marvelous functions. Our beloved MySQL and Oracle database have these functions as well. Sadly our more beloved SQL Server even in the SQL Server 2008
variant - lacks these functions.
Okay how to use these functions -- you use it like this:
SELECT least(1,-2,5) As num_least, greatest('Bobby', 'Catty', 'Kitty') As greatest_cat;
num_least| greatest_cat
-2 | Kitty
We would classify these functions along the lines of COALESCE. They are like COALESCE because they take an arbitrary number of arguments and the datatype that is returned
is highest datatype that all arguments in the function can be autocast to. If there is no autocast then well you get an error. To demonstrate, guess what happens when you do this:
SELECT least(-1, 'Kitty');
Well do this in PostgreSQL at least in 8.3+, you get a nice slap if you haven't installed any deprecated autocasts:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "Kitty"
LINE 1: SELECT least('Kitty', -1)
Do this in MySQL - so friendly and forgiving, and great reader of minds and you get:
I apologize for the ambiguous sarcasm, its just sometimes I want my mind read and sometimes I don't and I just can't figure out whether today is one of those days or the other day.
Wednesday, November 03. 2010
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I was excited when PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook by Simon Riggs and Hannu Krosing and the companion book PostgreSQL 9 High Performance, by Greg Smith
were available. All three authors are well known experts in the PostgreSQL community and consultants at 2ndQuadrant, so you are sure to learn a lot from both books.
Both books are published by Packt Publishing and can be bought directly from Packt Publishing or via Amazon. Packt is currently running a 50% off sale if you
buy both books (e-Book version) directly from Packt. In addition Packt offers free shipping for US, UK, Europe and select Asian countries. The pair of books make attractive companions.
The main thing I felt missing in this duo was a book dedicated to PostgreSQL: The platform
that would cover all the various PL languages and the various neat ways PostgreSQL is used and has been extended by many to do things one would not normally expect of a database.
Some day perhaps someone will write such a book.
This article is a review about PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook and we'll be following up later with PostgreSQL 9 High Performance.
This is my first book review. I have a lot of patience for writing, but little patience
when it comes to reading. That said, I found PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook an easy and enjoyable read,
and a book that I managed to learn more tricks from than I care to admit. It is a handy book to have for reference regardless of if you consider yourself
a novice, intermediate or advanced user.
As the book title suggests, it's a cookbook, but a cookbook that combines a question and answer style with a discussion
style of writing. The tasks are neatly categorized into 12 chapters and each task smoothly builds on previous tasks discussed.
It is still categorized in such a way that you can jump to a particular task you are currently having problems with without having read the other parts of the book.
Although it is titled PostgreSQL 9 -- it covers earlier versions as well.
Continue reading "PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook Book Review"