This is a continuation of our REST series. The following topics have already been covered
- Showcasing REST in PostgreSQL - The PreQuel we went over what REST is and isn't
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 1 - The DB components we loaded the Pagila database and created a db plpgsql search function that spits out XML to support our rest server service
- REST in PostgreSQL Part 2 A - The REST Server service with ASP.NET we demonstrated a REST web service using Mono.NET, MS.NET both in C#, VB.Net/Monobasic
Now in this Part 2B series, we shall demonstrate the same REST server service using PHP
Setting up the PHP application
PHP already has the PostgreSQL drivers available as a .so (on Linux) or .dll on Windows. For windows users if you
are running PHP under IIS and in ISAPI mode, you will not be able to dynamically load libraries, so you need to enable php_pgsql in your PHP.ini file.
- We tend to keep it enabled regardless of which platform we are on since a lot of our PHP development involves PostgreSQL. The extension is php_pgsql in the php.ini file
- PHP has numerous database abstraction libraries to choose from. We are using the adodb abstraction library for PHP which can be downloaded from