Thursday, May 21. 2009Creating instance of custom typePrinter FriendlyRecommended Books: PostGIS In Action PostgreSQL 8.4 Official The SQL Language PostgreSQL 8.4 Server Administration
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Oh NOW you do a write up about it. I was working through this a few weeks ago and there really wasn't much info out there outside of the manual.
I just did a write up yesterday about adding a custom timespan type with associated constructors, functions and operators.
Neat. That was what I was going to cover next. custom constructor functions and operators, but since you already have - I'll just link to yours.
I’d like to create a base type using a function written in PL/pgSQL rather than C. Some examples on the internet show it, but it doesn’t work.
What does your custom type look like and what version of PostgreSQL are you using?
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