Monday, April 27. 2009Who needs sports when you have the database industryPrinter FriendlyTrackbacks
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SQLServer, since the 2005 version, can run functionally equivalent to Oracle. M$ added SNAPSHOT isolation, which is functionally the same (although some will argue about it) as MVCC, the concurrency mechanism used by Oracle/Postresql.
The IBM/Postgresql relationship is clearly defensive by IBM. Rather than adding SNAPSHOT or declarative MVCC to 9.x, they did a quick and dirty IMS port, calling it pureXML. M$ did the smart thing. IBM is gambling that their mainframe DB2 will win. It won't. Mainframe DB2 is a thin veneer over VSAM, and is good only as a sql parser between COBOL and VSAM files. It is rarely used by COBOL programmers to do anything relational. I know, I had to deal with such folks for some years. The Intel chip (and may be AMD tagging along), with *nix and multi-core/processor boards will blow the mainframe away. Only legacy dinosaur companies (does Financial Services industry sound familiar) will go down that road. In time, they will be made obsolete by true innovators. IBM/DB2 is in deep doodoo. |
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